Then the Basic Concept of Mathematical Trigonometry is the concept of the triangle of elbows and elbows and the corresponding sides of the two wakes come together which have the same comparisons. In the Euclid Geometry Concept each of the two corners of the Two Triangles has the same magnitude, the two Triangles must be concrete and this Concept is the basis for the comparison of Trigonometry Angle pointed, in which the concept of Trigonometry Mathematics has been developed again for Non pointed Angles or Angles that are over 90 degrees and less than ZERO degrees.
Then in the Trigonometric Mathematics has the first Three Functions is the Sinus which is the ratio of the Triangle Side (Triangle of Elbow or one of the Angle of Triangle is 90 °) which is in front of the angle with the Italic Side, then the second Trigonometric Function is Cosine or Cosine which is the side ratio The triangle which is located in the corner with the Lean Side and Basic Function of Third Math Trigonometry is Tangen which is comparison of Triangle Side which is in front of Angle with Triangle Side which is located in corner.
Limit of trigonometric function is part of the limit of trigonometric functions are quite complicated because it is a cross between limit and trigonometry the trigonometric concepts should also be so we understand. In fact, at the limit of trigonometric functions there are some patterns that can be used so it is not too difficult.
However, sometimes the problems about the limit of trigonometric functions becomes difficult because we have not mastered the concept of trigonometry. As a matter of the limit of other functions, sometimes we have to change the shape of the trigonometric functions becomes more simple to follow the pattern that has existed.
To the limit of trigonometric functions with x to zero we just need to memorize some of that value certainly based on the concept of a limit. Following some common patterns that we must understand:
lim sin x = 1
x → 0 x
lim x = 1
x → 0 sin x
lim x = 1
x → 0 tan x
lim sin ax = 1
x → 0 bx
lim ax = 1
x → 0 sin bx
lim tan ax = 1
x → 0 bx
Formula of Amount and Difference of Trigonometry Angle
→ sin (A+B) = sinA cosB + cosA sinB
→ sin (A-B) = sinA cosB - cosA sinB
→ cos (A+B) = cosA cosB - sinA sinB
→ cos (A-B) = cosA cosB + sinA sinB
→ tan (A+B) = tanA + tanB
1 - tanA tanB
→ tan (A-B) = tanA - tanB
1 + tanA tanB
Mathematical Trigonometry Multiplication Formulas
→ 2 sinA cosB = sin(A+B) + sin (A-B)
→ 2 cosA sinB = sin(A + B) - sin (A - B)
→ 2 cosA cosB = cos (a+B) + cos (A - B)
→ 2 sinA sinB = - cos (A + B) + cos (A - B)
Number and Trigonometry Difference Formulas
→ sinA + sinB = 2sin 1/2(A+B) cos 1/2 (A-B)
→ sinA - sinB = 2cos 1/2(A+B) sin 1/2 (A-B)
→ cosA + cosB = 2cos 1/2(A+B) cos 1/2 (A-B)
→ cosA - cosB = 2sin 1/2(A+B) sin 1/2 (A-B)
Duplex Angle and Three Trigonometry Formulas
→ sin2A = 2 sinA cosA
→ cos2A = cos2A - sin2A = 1 - 2sin2A = 2cos2A - 1
→ tan2A = 2 tanA = 2 cotA = 2
1-tan2A cot2A - 1 cotA - tanA
Problem No.1
Determine the following values
lim sin 5x
x → 0 15
Problem discussion
lim sin 5x = 5
x → 0 15x 15
limit sin 5x = 1
x→ 0 15x 3
x → 0 15x 15
limit sin 5x = 1
x→ 0 15x 3
Problem No.2
Determine the following values
lim 4x
x → 0 tan 12x
Problem discussion
lim 3x = 3
x → 0 tan 12x 12
lim 4x = 1
x → 0 tan 12x 4
x → 0 tan 12x 12
lim 4x = 1
x → 0 tan 12x 4
Problem No.3
Determine the following values
lim -3x + sin 2x
x → 0 6x
Problem discussion
lim -3x + sin 2x
x → 0 6x
lim -3x + sin 2x = -3 + 2
x → 0 6x 6x 6 6
lim -3x + sin 2x = -1
x → 0 6x 6